Alright, so I went to Almeria this weekend with AIFS, which is just a small beach town the coast. Basically I'm just going to do this post in pictures, because to be honest, I didn't do much. My weekend consisted of laying on the beach, eating a huge dinner with free wine, laying on the beach and laying at the pool. Yup, that was my weekend. There really isn't much to say. So here's my pictures. :)
Beautiful beach view with tiny little rocks that stab your feet |
Hanging out at the beach |
Enjoying some Tinto De Verano on the beach! |
Little kids catching jelly fish |
Okay, so the second day on the beach we couldn´t even swim because there were so many jelly fish. This little kid caught like 10 in less than an hour. He had a net and was just walking out to the waters edge to catch them. He had them the day before too and buried them. The poor little medusas. But we were having a lot of fun talking to the kids and looking at the jelly fish. However, we decided it was too hot and we couldn´t stay at the beach because we wanted to swim.
All of us AIFS girls together for our last trip |
At dinner |
Best dinner ever!! We got free wine, a huuuge buffet dinner, free beer, free soda, free water, free everything!! And our hotel rooms had sweet views and a lot of them had mini kitchens with a mini fridge, stove top and microwave. It was sick. Best hotel ever. Thanks AIFS!

So that pretty much sums up my weekend. We also went on a tour of the cemetery and the Jardín Carmen de Martirez (I think that's the name). The cemetery was really pretty, and not what you'd expect. You'd also think that visiting a cemetery was weird, but it wasn't. Their style of burying people is so different and the cemeteries look so different. Most people are buried above ground, and people buy plots either for 100 years at a time, or for "forever". So we actually saw them exhuming some of them because their 100 years were up. A lot of the sites have giant statues and stuff above them. I promise you it's beautiful if you saw it in real life. Also, that's the Jesus statue that watches over all the grave sites. Unfortunately, he started getting vandalized and damaged, so they had to put a glass case over him and there's also a guard that watches over that area. Kind of sad, but it's a beautiful statue and settings the atmosphere for where we were. This was a Catholic cemetery so it was pretty common. We also looked at an upper level of the cemetery where there's huge windows and great views of the Sierra Nevada and the city itself. We looked around a bit on the upper level because there was also a memorial to all the people that died during the Civil War.

After the cemetery we went to the garden Carmen Martirez, I think that's what it's called. This garden/park is known for having peacocks, which I've already been too. The peacocks were out again, but didn't show their feathers this time. We just walked around and explored the gardens for a bit. There was also a small little bridge you could walk over the duck pond to a little island that had a cute little castle thing you could walk up. The view was really pretty from there too.
After that we just left the garden with the rest of the group and made our way back down to our houses. It was really, really hot outside so I just headed home right away and got lunch. I went to a movie later that day with Bree. We were originally going to see the Lorax, but the stupid website was wrong and it wasn't playing at that theatre. So instead, we saw "Seis Puntos de Emma", an extremely depressing movie about a blind girl who just wants to get pregnant and it's very sad.
All in all, that was my entire weekend I guess. But Alemería was so much fun and everything that I did with AIFS was amazing. Can´t wait for this weekend, my last weekend in Graná. For those of you who don't know, Granadians simply cut off the end of half of their words. Ergo, Granada gets shorted to Granáaaa, haha. It's really true.
Until next time, love you all!! <3
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