Okay, now that that's happening it's time to get back to business!! So Friday was a day of traveling and then it was time for Saturday!!! Saturday Hollie wanted to go to Synagogue and in case you didn't know, there's like no Synagogues in Spain. So she found one in Paris and wanted to go because she hadn't been at all since she'd been here. She offered to go and come back for me but I said that would be silly and I would accompany her. It's not like I'm not accustomed to being inside different churches and attending different services. I always find it a bit interesting. So we went to Synagogue at around 10:30. That was an interesting experience, let me tell you. First we had to get our bags checked, which made me concerned and saddened that they have probably been harassed to the point where they fear for their safety. Then on top of this being a religion I don't really know much about, it was all in French. haha I was looking at a book that was backwards, in not one, but two languages I didn't understand (french and hebrew). Needless to say I was lost the entire time, and we even thought we had stumbled into a Bar/Batmitzvah (I have no idea which is which) because there was a young boy doing like half the stuff. We couldn't figure out who the rabbi was and who was in charge. It was slightly entertaining and comical for me, but very interesting. I enjoyed it and seeing another side of religion, especially since Judaism is so close to Christianity, I mean it was was Jesus was... Anyways, it was interesting and we got out at around noon.
It was perfect timing for us to go to....THE LOUVRE MUSEUM. Yup, that's the one. The one from "The Da Vinci Code" (which I just bought in Spanish) and the one that has a bunch of famous pieces in it, like the Mona Lisa, and the Headless Wings and a Michaelangelo piece. Yup. So we headed over there and grabbed a bite to eat first. We weren't really feeling the whole 'pay an arm and a leg' for lunch thing so we walked around the corner and there was a nice super market that had a nice little area for us to eat. We got some frozen pizza, crackers, cookies and a drink. They had a microwave for us to use so we ate our lovely 6 euro lunch and people watched. Then it was off to the Louvre!
Did you knoooow that the Louvre is three buildings put together. It also used to be a Palace, which explains its enormity. And the cool Pyramid that they have in the center was their way of connecting all three buildings. You used to have to buy a ticket for one building, then leave and go to another to see everything. They wanted to make a way so people could travel within without leaving, so they had some Chinese guy invent this cool Pyramid. It was supposed to be see through and self-supporting but something about a billion tons of glass just didn't want to be self-supporting. Oh well, it's a really sight to see.
So that's meee!! There were awesome blocks, which you can see in the background that you could use to put your finger on top of the pyramid. You could try to do it on top of the big one, but you had to go to the other side and that was too much work. Plus it was a lot harder to do. So we settled for this image, which I still thinks is pretty cool. Then on the right is a picture of just part of the Louvre. It's massive, and I only got a part of it in the picture. But I think you pretty much get the picture.
So that brings me to my next paragraph. The Mona Lisa is pretty cool. I have to admit it kind of sucks seeing her from about 12 feet away and through about a foot of bullet proof glass, stupid person that ruined it for everyone. The painting is very small and it's kind of hard to see her because there is literally a mosh pit of people around her trying to take a picture of it. So people def don't tell you about the mass of people around the painting, but it's very cool to see. I didn't stay very long people there were so many people and I was honestly fearing for my purses safety (perfect spot for pick-pocketers). But just to prove to you that I saw it..here you go. P.S If you click on the pictures they are enlarged and you can see them better, haha idk if any of you know that.
So after I went through the most pit to see the Mona Lisa we meandered around the museum. I loved looking at all the renaissance art, but I decided that I could forego looking at all of it because I figure I'll see my fill in Italy in about a month. But I really liked the religious pieces and many other pieces that were there. I really started getting into the art, mostly because I know a little bit about them. I wandered into Egyptain stuff with Hollie and saw some pretty cool Egyptian statues, some Sphinx's , and other things. Then after wandering around we wanted to split. I really wanted to look at more Roman and Greek sculpture because I learned so much about it in Art and Politics. There was also a Michelangelo piece that I wanted to see. On my way I saw Venus de Milo and Psyche and Cupid. I really honsetly didn't even know what the name of Psyche and Cupid was when I saw it. I really just saw some people standing around it and realized it was really pretty. I didn't spend too much time on it because I was on a time crunch, but I spent just enough to admire it and realize how pretty it was. I ended up buy a postcard with a picture of it because I thought it was gorgeous. Then I saw Michelangelo piece called Captive (The Dying Slave). Not gonna lie...it was alright. Mostly it was Michelangelo so it was pretty cool to see it. But I also didn't have much time to stare at it so I couldn't appreciate it funny. There were some other things I would have liked to see, but we had already spent more than 2 hours there and we really want to go to the the D'Orsay Museum to see some Impressionism.
We stayed at the museum until it close and they kicked us out, which was at about 5:30-6. Then we decided that we didn't quite want to head back, so we'd head towards the Eiffel Tower. It was getting dark so we decided that by the time we get to it night would be falling and we'd be able to see it all lit up. I heard rumors that it lights up and is really pretty at night, but I wasn't expecting what I saw. Basically I took about a million pictures of the Eiffel Tower, so I'm sorry for the bombardment on FB. But it was soo pretty and I couldn't help to take more photos. We got there and there was a group of friends doing the typical touristy thing...opening a bottle of wine in front of the Eiffel Tower and enjoying the view. It was pretty funny. Hollie and I took our obligatory pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower and even fooled around with out cameras and took some artsy ones.

My first crepe! |
We made it back, feasted on our bread, nutella, fruit and crackers and headed in at around 11. I wasn't very tired and had a hard time falling asleep, but that's mostly because it was really hot in the room. I was also pumped to go to Versaille the next day. YAY :) Hope you enjoyed this post. One more left!!
1 comment:
I do like the videos, thanks! Pretty awesome trip for sure, I am glad you appreciate it. You will make a good tour guide for me some day... love you too!
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