Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Adventures with Food

I figure right about now is a good time to share my experiences with the food here.  Right about now I'm sure many of you are wondering about my eating habits here, considering I was one of the pickiest eaters known to man before I left.  Everyone, including myself, was hoping I wouldn't starve to death and limit myself to things.  Good news! I haven't.  Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of food for you, I have a problem with trying to take pictures of my food at the dinner table.  I find it slightly annoying, rude and weird to do so, lol.  So instead I'll just tell you about some of my food experiences here.

For starters, my pallet has expanded enormously.  I could go ahead and try to list everything new that I've eaten, but I'm honestly not sure I can remember all of them.  To start, I'm now a soup person.  We have soup at almost every single meal, soup and bread.  When I was traveling I was actually missing eating soup and having bread with my meals.  I have eaten a number of absolutely delicious soups.  The first night I looked at it, thought to myself, huh, well I'm not really soup person, but I'm hungry and it could be good.  That started my love for soup.  I started off eating a little of it, not finishing it and so on, however now I have found myself asking for seconds if the soup is really good.  One we have quite often is a cauliflower, broccoli type soup with garlic cloves in it too.  That was our soup for lunch today.  I've also had a weird green one, which I have to say I'm not a huge fan of.  We've had your classic noodle soup, chickpea soup, and some soup that has potatoes, cauliflower, pepper and a yellow, orangey liquid.  I'm not sure what the last one is, but it's pretty good, and the other day I was starving so I actually asked for seconds.

Secondly, the paella.  It's delicious!! That is something I need a recipe for when I return home, and I'm making paella for all of you.  It's basically a crap ton of rice, mixed with some meat, usually chicken or chorro (which is some version of sausage), and then sometimes some other things like pepper.  The common type of paella they eat here is seafood paella.  The first seafood paella I had here wasn't very good, but that's probably because the shell was still on the little shrimp thingys, and that made for a very weird taste and texture.  However, when we were in Barcelona I had a yummy seafood paella that had squid, squid ink, muscles, and black rice. Yummmm

Thirdly, the fresh fruit here is amazing.  Every day before I leave for class I get a wonderfully huge apple that I usually snarf down.  Then with lunch and dinner I always get fresh fruit for desert.  It's usually either apples, pears, grapes, strawberries, kiwi or melon.  The past few days it's been really good fresh strawberries.  I have eaten so many strawberries in the past few days it's ridiculous.  Love it!  My senora always has a stock pile of fruit. For real though, it's a stock pile.  I went into the kitchen to fill up my water bottle and saw her stock pile.  It's just piles of fruit, it's actually kind of comical.  But it's awesome.  Of those fruits that I've listed, I've eaten every single one of them.  I found I really like kiwi and strawberries.  Don't laugh people, you know me, so finding out these things is cool and good for me!! For dinner it's usually yogurt, jello or flan, or something of that sort.  I have tried the yogurt many times though, and I'm not a fan of it.  I tried the greek yogurt, some strawberry flavored yogurt.  It didn't just straight up say no, but I don't really like the taste.  I get Natilla for desert, which is very similar to pudding in the states.  Oh and the flan my senora makes, or buys, or whatever...really good!! I didn't like it last time I had it, but this flan is really good.

I also have to get a bocadillo sometimes, which is basically just a boxed lunch, but in a really big plastic bag. My senora usually gives us a sandwich, a bag of chips, two pieces of fruit and a juice box.  The sandwich is always big, and I can never finish it, because it's basically two big pieces of bread with some ham in the center.  I eat it, I've warmed up to the cold sandwich thing, but it's still not my fave.  Oh and sometimes for dinner we get these delicious grilled ham and cheese sandwiches...yummm, with the best chips ever.

So yea, I think that about rounds out my eating habits here.  Now you guys can all go ahead and laugh at me, ridicule me about how I should have tried things earlier.  Well sometimes it just takes the desire to not starve to eat new foods.  And I've been trying new things all over the place.  Some things won't change, but a lot of things will when I return home.  Yay. :)

Love you all!

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