1. I can't believe I'm here and only have 2 months left, but I also can't believe that I still have 2 months left. Lately I have been waking up very homesick, but throughout the day I get better and better and by the end of the day I'm find and can't sleep. I've realized that I only have about 10 weeks left, although I'm sure my grandmother knows the exact number of days (love you grammy). In the 4 weeks I will not be here for 3 of those weekends and 1 whole week. Then I only have 2 weekends free here, 1 in Vienna, 1 in Lagos, Portugual and 1 in the Costa Del Sol. Now, that poses a problem you see. Because I still have a list of things I still want to do here; like go to the Parc de Ciencas, go to Nerja, go to Malaga, and other such things around here. Too bad I have so little time. I'm also regretting now planning a trip to Ireland now, but alas I have run our of weekends. But I'm glad I have so much planned, that means I'll be very busy. The last 2 weekends I have here in May will not be spent here, other than I believe the very last weekend.
2. Many people have their family showing up right about now, when we're all homesick and can't wait for spring break. Well, as much as I would love for my family to come visit me, and see where I live, what I do, I'm almost glad for it. After seeing one friend after her family left I know I couldn't handle it if my family came. She was just sad and missed them, and I know that if my family came I would have to do the whole grieving process all over again. That's not something I want to do. It would be very nice, but I'm also thankful for the fact that I have to push through this all on my own and it will just make coming home that much sweeter.
3. I have somewhat abandoned my private journal. As much as I try, as often as I try, I'm just not a journaler. Granted, sometimes I get the urge to write, I have to write out feelings or simply record something funny. But I have come to the conclusion that I'm horrible at it. I much prefer this public place where you can all hear about my adventures; that also means I don't have to write everything twice in two places.
4. Today went a lot better at the school. Lately I've been rethinking my whole life...I know, not a good time to be doing this when I'm 3 years into college and abroad, but what can I say? And somehow I lost sight of how much I enjoy teaching. While today was slightly challenge, I enjoyed it. My spanish isn't perfect, and when I have to deal with snobby little boys who think they're so funny and laugh at my Spanish, well, that's difficult. But with a stern look and merely standing near them that was enough. I felt really good helping the few kids that were a bit slow and just simply weren't keeping pace in class. It's those moments where I realize that I really do like doing this, and it will be soo much easier when I get back home and can speak English in class. Although it has given me the confidence that maybe it is a good idea to speak spanish to my students. When I was taking my class last semester I was like absolutely not, code switching is fine. But now, yes I still agree code switching is fine (switching between the languages) but I do believe that maybe it can help to do a lot more in Spanish than originally thought. We'll see how this turns out. Oh, also, I get to teach something on Thursday! My advisor finally told me I can do a grammar review and prepare a short lesson with the Spider-Man song with them. So we'll see how it turns out. Wish me luck!
5. Next school year. I just finished picking my classes and I have to say, sadly I'm not very excited about them. The Spanish courses offered leave something to be desired, although I supposed my literature class can turn out to be interesting. But the mexican rebellion may be a bit...dry... And Philosophy and Lierature with a writing emphasis with a hard grader...yay. I'm also taking two Education courses, which typically are my favorite, so we'll see. I'm just hoping that my second spanish class doesn't get cancelled, because I have no idea what I'll put in there if it does. I had one spot open, where I didn't need to fill anything in, so I have no idea what I'm going to do if that happens.
Just some gorgeous graffiti I came upon on Saturday. The city is filled with really pretty murals like that. |
That's pretty much it. I guess all I did really was give a small update on what I'm thinking and the few things I've been doing in the past day or so.
I will leave you with a wonderful picture of street art/graffiti that was on a building, or rather, I think it was someone's house. :)
Love and miss you all. <3
I am glad to hear what you said about a visit. I thought about coming but didn't think it would fit your schedule, and I don't want to interfere with your plans. I miss you just as much Bon. I would prefer to have you go to Spain again someday with Mom and I and revisit as our tour guide! Love you, Dad.
Thanks daddy, I'm glad that you know that it wouldn't have worked out. I really wouldn't have had time. Love you
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