I just wanted to give a little update. Not much has happened this week, I've been a bit of a hermit and stayed in my room for most of the day during the week. But it's been the last week of classes before we have our little break and go on our trips before we start real classes. This past week has been pretty good. Pretty much every day I've gone to bed very happy with myself. Every day I'm learning a little bit more than the day before. so I'm pretty proud of myself. Between my classes in the morning and chatting with my senora every night during dinner I'm definitly seeing an improvment in my speaking abilities. Granted they are small improvements, but an improvement is an improvement in my book. Or as they say here, "poca a poco" (little by little). Every day something new falls into place and I can use it. For example, for the past 3 weeks we've spent a lot of time on los pasados (past tenses) and pronombres (pronouns). We've pretty much focused on those and phrases, and every day I have a better understanding than the day before. Now I can comfortably use the past tenses, and use them properly when I'm speaking with my senora. While my vocab still leaves something to be desired, I've very proud of whatever progress I have made. I can tell that this is going to be a good experience. I can't believe I've been here almost 3 weeks now, and luckily I haven't been terribly homesick so far. I think it's just because I have so much to be thankful right now that I'm just trying not to think about not being home. And right now I'm listening to some Spanish music on youtube, gotta get as much spanish as possible.
So there's just a small personal update for you guys. I know most of my posts have been about what's been going on, but I though you'd like a look into my brain for a bit.
Just a few pictures of what I've been up to. Here's when I went to the tea house with my roommate, and some friends. The tea house was really fun and the tea was actually really good.
This was our first night out for tapas. We went to this place called Poe, and believe it or not it's run by a British guy. It was very funny to all of a sudden have a British guy come up and talk to us. haha. But that's me and my friend with our Tinto de Veranos, which is pretty much the same thing as Sangria! But Sangria is more a sugarry, touristy drink, the Tinto de Verano is much better. :)
Love you all, hope you're enjoying the lovely snow over there. meh he he he, no snow for me :P
I love you and miss you all.
I love reading everything even the boring stuff which is impossible being there ! Rainy cold here. Hope you go watch the hot air balloon fest this weekend
Hahaha snow is all gone here!! THANK GOD. SO over the snow.
Thanks mommy! I'm glad you enjoy reading everything.
haha, I would be over the snow too, as it is I'm over the cold in the morning thing here.
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