Once again, I’m very sorry I’ve been so MIA. The past few months I’ve been in an existential crisis trying to figure out what I’m doing next year. BUT, in the end I decided…..
to stay another year. SO, I will fly back to the U.S. on June 13 with my bestest friend Sara, spending the summer working my ass off because I got my old job back (thank goodness) and then return to Spain again in September to repeat the whole thing. Only, next year I’ll be living in a town called
Alcala de Guadaira, about 10 min outside Sevilla. Which means I can either live in the small town or I can live in Sevilla. I’m weighing my options and have all summer to think about it, but I’' have finally made my decision and I’m actually happy about it. You can’t imagine the horribleness that was inside my head, me scrambling to apply to jobs I only kind of wanted at home but thinking about money, money and more money. Because to be honest, that’s what these sorts of things come down to, can you really afford to live abroad. Thankfully, this opportunity allows me to have a salary while I’m living here, a salary that I can absolutely survive on and travel every now and then. BUT, it’s always the start up costs that are the biggest problem, and flights to and from home come out of savings, not out of salary. So I had to ensure a couple things before I made the decision. And of course, this year I’d like to come home for Christmas since I was pretty home sick during the winter this time. Seeing my family in April really helped me get through my homesickness, so I’m sure seeing them in Christmas will help me settle my homesickness this time around. I know what I’m getting myself into this time, so it made the decision harder, but I know it’s worth it and when I finally come home for good, I’ll get a bangin’ job :)
So what have I been doing in the mean time? Well….I went on vacation with my parents for 10 days and it was great seeing them, but totally weird. They don’t belong out here with me in Spain. It was a clash of two worlds that didn’t make sense in my head. Which was good because the fall out when we parted wasn’t bad at all.
At the Don Quixote Statue in Madrid

At the Royal Palace with dad

In Toledo

Patios in Cordoba

Mezquita in Cordoba

Bull Ring in Sevilla

Generalife in the Alhambra, Granada

Beautiful Patio in Al Ahambra


La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Inside Sagrada Familia

Outside Sagrada Familia. There were so many toursits speaking so many different languages that it like wasn’t even possible to try to find someone to take our picture

We finally made it to the Park Guell
And I travelled to Santiago de Compostela with Camille where I saw the TOMG OF ST. JAMES and hugged (touched) a statue of him.
This was actually taken in A Coruna *
A Coruna *

La Catedral de Santiago de Compestela! *

beautiful blue door we saw at a church walking around the city *

Walking up the stairs to see the statue! *

Touching St. Jame’s Statue *

The Cathedral

I personally thought the statues with moss growing on them gave the cathedral a hauntingly beautiful look. The Cathedral is almost 1000 years old


Outside the main front of the Cathedral

Pretty archways in a park
Then I spent two weekends at the beach with Camille and am now only two weeks away from being done teaching for this year and being on vacation with my bestie! I’m very excited to travel with Sarah, revisit a couple places and be on my way home for the summer. EEEEE. Sorry for the delay, this will probably be one of my last posts for this school year. I’m very busy getting my stuff together, going through the maddening process of renewing my NIE (read: Spanish Green Card) and putting my stuff in storage over the summer till I can return and get it in Sept/Oct.
Thanks for reading and following me this school year. I hope to do the same and keep blogging next year. Sorry I haven’t been as prolific as I expected, but I’ve been busy (a bit lazy) and just taking in everything and making memories in my head. Hope that’s good enough, and I can’t wait to see everyone this summer.
*Photo Cred Camille